Just start typing to filter. Then use the tab key to cycle through results, and press enter to launch the selected item, or alt + enter to open in a modal. You can hit Esc at anytime to clear the search. Easy 🥳
Secure Encrypted Email
Mail aliasing and forwarding service
Deterministic password generator
Calendar, contacts and tasks
Real-time crypto prices and read-only portfolio
Encrypted productivity suit
Allows you to search the contents of files within GitHub repos, with a RegEx option too
API development tool
App for creating, testing and understanding regular expressions
Instant TMUX-based terminal sharing
Editor for cron schedule expressions
All in one encryption, encoding, hashes etc
Check SSL Certificates
JSON validator, beautifier and convertor
Affordable, preformant cloud services
Off-site cron job and service monitoring
A productivity timer
easily search and copy any symbol
Fast, accurate, secure online multi-language translator
Use ASCII characters for different plaintext fonts
CSV, JSON, YAML, XML and more formatting tools
Inspect and edit what's in your Torrent file or Magnet link
More text tools, allowing for RegEx actions
Instantly convert a unit to all others
A collection of thousands of calculators
Meme Generator
For displaying directory structure
For using box characters to draw boxes
Small script I use
Easily generate ASCII Lenny emojis